2025 Grid Market Map

After decades of flat load growth, global demand for electricity is surging. This is due to several major trends including the electrification of transportation and heat (e.g., EVs and heat pumps), the exponential growth in artificial intelligence and data center use, and the expansion of regional manufacturing hubs. To meet this skyrocketing power demand, electricity grids need both significant expansion and modernization. Bloomberg New Energy Finance, for example, estimates that $24.1 trillion will need to be spent by 2050 to reach net-zero targets (approximately $1 trillion per year in grid expenditures spanning transmission and distribution – more than the total required investments in renewables by mid-century). Another aspect in the growth of the grid sector is “hardening” – increasing the resiliency of the grid as wildfires, flooding, and other extreme weather events bring new challenges to an always-on digitized economy. The Clean Edge 2025 Grid Market Map represents a selection of companies and organizations contributing to the grid across a range of sectors, from transmission & distribution manufacturers and data and software providers to grid enhancing technologies and energy storage players. This is not an exhaustive list but a high-level survey of established and emerging players.

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