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Clean Edge has been at the forefront of tracking clean-tech markets since 2000. The company is a leading publisher of thematic research on clean energy, transportation, water, and the grid. It is a joint developer of and contributor to the Nasdaq Clean Edge Green Energy™ Index (CELS™), launched in partnership with Nasdaq in 2006. Other indexes include the Nasdaq OMX Clean Edge Smart Grid Infrastructure™ Index (QGRD™), the ISE Clean Edge Global Wind Energy™ Index (GWE™), and the ISE Clean Edge Water™ Index (HHO™).


Ron Pernick's picture

Q1 2024 Review

by Ron Pernick

Quarterly overview of index performance, constituent winners and losers, latest Data Dives, and more

In the first quarter of 2024, the Nasdaq Clean Edge index suite continued to exhibit divergent performance between infrastructure and clean-energy-focused indexes. In recent quarters, our infrastructure-oriented grid, water, and income indexes have primarily posted quarterly gains, whereas clean-energy indexes have mostly notched declines.


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Published by NASDAQ in collaboration with Clean Edge, Enabling the Energy Transition takes a look at corporate, investor, and government net-zero and clean-energy initiatives that are driving a new era in the energy transition.

Stock Indexes

Nasdaq Clean Edge stock indexes cover U.S. and global clean energy, transportation, water, and grid infrastructure markets. All tracking financial products of Nasdaq Clean Edge indexes exceed $3.5 billion in assets under management (as of April 10, 2024 based on FactSet data). 

  • CELS: U.S. clean energy 
  • GWE: Global wind  
  • HHO: U.S. potable water and wastewater 
  • QGRD: Global smart grid and grid infrastructure 

Q2 2024 Index Performance

Clean Edge Stock Indexes